
GDPR Compliance

published : Apr, 26 2023

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliance

At Pharmica.co.uk, we recognize the importance of privacy and are fully committed to being compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We are dedicated to maintaining the security, confidentiality, and integrity of the personal information we collect from our visitors and customers. This page outlines our practices regarding data collection, processing, and storage in accordance with GDPR requirements.

Data Collection and Use

We collect personal data only when it is necessary for the services we provide. This includes personal health information, contact details, and transactional data. We ensure that the information is processed in a lawful, fair, and transparent manner, and is used for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes only.

Data Subject Rights

Data subjects have rights pertaining to their personal data, including the right to access, correct, delete, or transfer their data, as well as the right to object to its processing or restrict its use. At Pharmica.co.uk, we provide mechanisms for users to exercise these rights easily.

Data Security and Breach Notification

We implement technical and organisational measures to ensure a high level of security for personal data against unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction, or damage. In the unlikely event of a data breach, we have protocols in place to promptly notify competent authorities and affected individuals.

Contact Information

For any inquiries or concerns regarding our use of your personal data, you may contact us at [email protected]. The owner of the website is Caspian Braxton, located at:

State Library Victoria
328 Swanston St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

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Caspian Braxton

Caspian Braxton

Hi, I'm Caspian Braxton, a pharmaceutical expert with a passion for researching and writing about medications and various diseases. My articles aim to educate readers on the latest advancements in drug development and treatment options. I believe in empowering people with knowledge, so they can make informed decisions about their health. With a deep understanding of the pharmaceutical industry, I am dedicated to providing accurate and reliable information to my readers.

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